Embracing a Healthy Fall Lifestyle

Embracing a Healthy Fall Lifestyle

Hello, I’m Chiaki from RAKU RWO-SHR Reflexology.

It's the time of year again – fall is upon us!
In my backyard, the apple tree has once again produced an abundance of fruit, filling the air with its sweet aroma🍎🍏

It's the season of unpredictable weather, allergies acting up, and those occasional tummy troubles. With the temperatures swinging from hot to cool, our bodies can sometimes struggle to keep up. It's like our internal thermostat is on the fritz, and our gut isn't quite in sync.

But don't worry, I've got your back! Here are some tips to help you navigate through this fall:

  1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise : Fall's changing seasons can mess with our autonomic nervous system. Try practicing some deep breathing exercises to keep things in check. Plus, with the days getting shorter, why not embrace early nights and early mornings?

  2. Spice it Up : When it comes to fall flavors, think spicy! Radishes (or Daikon radishes) are your best buddies this season. They're known to get your energy flowing and give your tummy a boost. Plus, they're loaded with diastase and vitamin C – great for digestion and those pesky hangovers.

  3. Get Your Ferment On : Fermented foods are your gut's best friend. With nearly 70% of your immune cells hanging out in your gut, it's essential to keep it healthy. So, sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt should make their way into your diet.

By following these simple tips, I hope you'll breeze through the changing seasons and keep your health in check. So go ahead, enjoy the fall foliage, and stay healthy and happy this autumn!





  1. 早寝早起きで自律神経を整えよう: 秋は体内時計が狂いやすい季節。深呼吸やリラックス法でストレスを解消し、早く寝て早く起きる生活を楽しんでみてください。

  2. 辛い食べ物を楽しもう: 秋の五味の代表は「辛味」!大根はこの季節にピッタリです。消化を助け、胃腸を元気にしてくれるんです。さらに、大根に含まれるジアスターゼやビタミンCは、口内炎や二日酔いにも効果あり。

  3. 発酵食品を摂ろう: 発酵食品は腸内環境を整え、免疫力を高めてくれます。腸の中には免疫細胞がたくさんいるので、腸を元気に保つことが大切。納豆やキムチ、ヨーグルトを積極的に摂ってはいかがでしょうか?


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